Room Tone
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Put in your headphones, close your eyes, and use your phone to explore virtual soundscapes with Room Tone.
Room Tone is an app about experiencing places by sound only. As you point your iPhone around, you get to experience virtual soundscapes.
How to play:
Use good headphones for the best experience. Stand up and hold the phone in front of you. Stay in the same spot, but point the top of your iPhone all around you and listen as the soundscape changes. Touch the screen and search all around you for other types of sounds - these sounds represent the directions you can move in from your present position. Aim the top of your phone at one of these sounds. Stand still and move the phone quickly in a forwards-and-back motion to "move" to another spot in the virtual room.
Game Design and Sound Design by Toke Brorson Odin
Programming by Tobias Due Munk
Art by Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen
With special thanks to Nikolaj Kynde and Vinh Prag