Sound design and music for games and movies:
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Below you will find some of my music for films and computer games in videos and as mp3-files and sheet music. To download, right-click (Ctrl+click on mac) and choose 'download'.
Film music:
From Hilke Rönnfeldt's "Opera Night"
- Angelis Outro (2021)
- Trines sunken star (2021)
- Sindsyge (2021)
- Flugtsang (2021)
- Angelis Outro (2021)
- Music for pipa, pipa played by Shin-En Liao (2012) (5:18)
- Music made with recordings of a chinese oboe/suona, from Hlynur Palmarson's film "En Dag eller To" (2011) (1:14)
- Music from the short film 'About Love' (2009)
- There will be time, for vocal and organ (2009) (1:30)
- Short bass and percussion theme (2009) (1:15)
- Short choir interlude (2008) (1:11)
- Music for Pagan Rituals, music for a Magnum in Motion slideshow, see the slideshow here (2008) (6:00)
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Sheet music:
- Music for the film 'On Love' (2009)
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Sound design for computer games:
Presentation video for Blind Monk:
Framegrabs from the video:

- Sound from Blind Monk
- Download "Det monofone helvede" (The Monophonic Hell) - my new synthesizer. The file is a .zip compression of an .app file, and this build is for mac only. But on a mac it can be used without any supporting applications. Used for the creation of sound for "Blind Monk" a small audio-only iPhone game that recently won a price from the jury at the Nordic Game Jam 2012
With support from Danish Composers' Society / KODA's Fund for Social and Cultural Purposes
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Testing videos for the iPhone game Blind Monk 3D, which I have made with the programmer Christian Andersen:
Interview video from Nordic Game Conference:
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Alternative sound design for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days: