Welcome to the library of Toke Brorson Odin
Current projects:
Concert in Frederikskirken / Marmorkirken, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 8 at 8pm.
"Count" was performed by Bruno Masia, Ying-Hsueh Chen improvised on my new wooden instruments and Barbara Skovmand performed on her sound sculpture with singers Hanne Marie le Fevre, Kirse Kampp and myself
Made the soundtrack for Christian Einshøj's "The Mountains", which has won critical acclaim
Contributed with music to the French/American/Russian full length documentary "Queendom" by Agniia Galdanova
New music from a concert in Dansekapellet:
Barbara´s performance
Bruno´s performance of my piece Count

Music from a percussion concert at Bellahøj Friluftsscene:
Position Piece
Sea Music

Orø-døgnet 2021, August 14-15, 2021
July 2021: New version of my piece "Metals" with organ pipes
Recordings from a concert in Brønshøj Vandtårn, Cph., June 7, 2021 (part of Klang/Open Form Festival):
Sculpture Piece
See photos from the concert here or at Klang's site here
"Interferens", performance with Barbara Skovmand at Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, December 3, 2020

Performance with Barbara Skovmand at her solo exhibition "Gele Royal" in Brønshøj Vandtårn, Copenhagen, November 21, 2020
Music for Barbara Skovmands solo exhibition "Gele Royal", Brønshøj Vandtårn, Copenhagen, October 9, 2020:
Gele Royal - open composition for three sopranos (own composition) - rehearsal 1
Gele Royal - open composition for three sopranos (own composition) - rehearsal 2
Gele Royal - open composition for three sopranos (own composition) - performance, October 9
Gele Royal (sheet music)
Gele Royal - solo performance by Barbara Amalie Skovmand
Distance Piece - for the flutists Kirstine Lindemann and Kirsi Ojala
The score for Distance Piece
New synth improvisation, May 2020
Sculpture Piece, for Christine Pryn, a piece about transforming a sculpture into sound
Position Piece, new piece, in which the position of the musicians determines the rhythm
Semi-improvised choir music for a workshop with students from Skt. Annæ and Aurehøj. Recorded at Brønshøj Vandtårn, Copenhagen, November, 2019:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6.1
Exercise 6.2
Sound recording from a Workshop in Sweden, October 2019
The app Room Tone, which I have been working on for a couple of years, is finally out. Read more and download it here

The 12" record "Music for Winter Brothers" is out! Listen at youtube or Spotify. Available in records stores in Copenhagen and Aarhus or order here

Summer 2019: Creating 10 scores to be exhibited alongside Kristian Sæderup's photo collage "Hvidt lagen og vind. Tømmerby, okt. 2012"

The very short film "Sleepwalker", which is about air pollution in New Delhi and elsewhere. I have composed some music for it
Watch Rikke Benborg's animation of my piece "Maskine" played by Ying-Hsueh Chen
Updated content on the site:
October 11, 2018: Concert at Faxe Kalkbrud, Sunday, November 11

August 11, 2018: Steffen Levrings performance 'LAMPE, KAMERA, PROJEKTOR, HØJTALERE' at Orø-døgnene 2018 - 48 hours of music and art in the Danish island of Orø
May, 2018: Herresangere med gonger, maj 2018. Recorded at Christianshavns Beboerhus, Cph.

August 19-20, 2017: - Orø-døgnet 2017 - 24 hours of music and art in the Danish island of Orø
2017: Music from workshop at Ryparken Lille Skole, 2017
August 19-21, 2016: - Orø-døgnene 2016 - 48 hours of music, art and food in the Danish island of Orø

2015: Recording from my choir project with the former drug addicts at the "Youth for Christ Center", Myitkyina, Myanmar
Click on the picture to buy the indispensable card game "Animal Game Cards"